• Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility

Eurasia Statinvest Holding is an owner-managed business group with multiple subsidiaries: Carstensen Import-Export Handelsgesellschaft mbH, STYLEX Schreibwaren GmbH and Felidae (Europe) GmbH all recognise that sustainable success is only possible if the business activity is carried out in keeping with socially conscious, environmentally friendly action. As an internationally active business group, we are fully aware of our significant responsibility towards humanity and nature. This also applies to our global supply and value chains.

Constant optimisation of our workflows and sparing, reduced use of natural resources are cornerstones of our company philosophy. Our day-to-day activity is shaped by our commitment to reducing the carbon footprint of our company group, as well as of each individual employee and the supply chains we work with. We also place great importance in social responsibility and fair working conditions.

Our supply chains are dynamic and form part of a global network, and production often takes place in countries which are deemed at risk of human rights and environmental problems. To honour our commitment to social and environmental sustainability and minimise the negative effects of our business activity on humans and the environment, we analyse our supply chains and subject new and existing suppliers to a multi-layered evaluation and auditing process.

The main purpose of this process is to identify risks early on and develop measures to minimise the risks within our sphere of influence. Within the framework of this process, we record, analyse and evaluate potential risks associated with our suppliers at regular intervals. The risks can be of a wildly different nature and depend on various influencing factors such as products and production countries, as well as local and international standards and laws.

At Eurasia Statinvest Holding, we act in accordance with universal standards, such as the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development’s (OECD) Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, the United Nations’ (UN) Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the conventions and recommendations of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) on Work and Social Standards, and the amfori BSCI Code of Conduct.

We regularly organise factory visits, information events and training programmes to aid in the successful implementation of these standards and the results/recommendations of the auditing process. And these efforts don’t stop at our Tier 1 suppliers. Instead, we work our way down the supply chain to achieve the necessary transparency, while implementing the relevant standards and processes at every step. To this end, we request a wide range of data from the upstream production stages, such as names and addresses, environmental and product labels, and pre-existing social and environmental audits.

Here we show you how our entire group contributes to environmental protection and sustainable free trade, as well as how we fulfil our social responsibility.

Our commitment to observing human rights throughout our supply chain is reflected in our Code of Conduct and our grievance mechanism, which you can read more about here.


Air travels

STYLEX school forest

Carbon neutral products